Doomed |
BUFFY SUMMERS: Pooh pooh, Southern California, pooh pooh! - Nicole Yes, but you're an amateur... fry cook, and I come from a long line of fry cooks that don't live past 25. - Jess L. Big crazy cereal boxes of death. - Cassie I would have thought a professional demon hunter like yourself would have figured it out by now. I'm the Slayer. Slay-er. Chosen One. She who hangs out a lot in cemeteries? Ask around. Look it up. Slayer comma The. - Lady Lioness No, it's not. - Nicole Capricorn, on the cusp of Aquarius. You? - Julia So, you deliver these HSTs to a bunch of lab coats who perform experiments on them, which, among other things, turns them into harmless little bunnies. How am I doing so far? - Janine
RUPERT GILES: Oh, as usual, dear! - Julia
XANDER HARRIS: No, you look like a mooch who doesn't lift a finger around here, but I have to get to work. - Jewels Harris What? He wants to die, I want to help. - Kasey That's it! I am way past through with you. I hate to break it to you, oh Impotent One, but you're not the Big Bad anymore. You're not even the Kinda Naughty. You're nothing but a waste of space - my space! And as much as I always got a big laugh watching Buffy kick your shiny white bum, and as much as I know I could give you little bum-kicking myself right now, I'm here to tell you something... You're not even worth it. I'm outta here. - Janna Mayor meat. Extra crispy. - Nicole And you doing a little laundry for once wouldn't kill you. Unfortunately. - Julia
RILEY FINN: Yeah, but I am a walking bruise today. You see me without my clothes I look like a ... I mean I have bruises. - Gypsy You're really strong, like Spider Man strong. - Rachel It's the end of the world. - Nicole I am a nice, normal guy. - Julia Welcome to the story of the world. Things fall apart, Buffy. But the way people manage is, they don't do it alone. They pull each other through. If you weren't so self-centered, you'd see that. - Kristy-Ann
SPIKE: What's this? Sitting around watching the telly while there's evil still afoot? - Gypsy I can hit a demon. - Anya Harris Me? Uh, no sir, I'm just a ol' pal of Xander's here. - Cassie For justice, and for the safety of puppies, and Christmas, right? Let's fight that evil! Let's kill something! Come on! - Drew Vampires. Rrr! Nasty! - Serenity Yeah, delivering melted cheese on bread. Doing your part to keep America constipated. - Kasey Buffy fights the forces of darkness. You're just her groupies. - Janna You're just the same nerdy tenth graders you've always been, and she's too much of a softie to let you go. - Nicole Goodbye, Dru. See you in Hell. - Julia
FORREST: You don't got game, son. - XandersGirl Slayer? Thrash band. Anvil-heavy guitar rock with delusions of Black Sabbath. - Julia
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