You're gonna die, and I'm gonna be there. - Jai
Your mom's trying to bogart the cheesy chips... what's that all about? - Marissa
Take a walk, overbite. - Raven
Stick them in water, maybe they'll grow. - Laura
Maybe not. And maybe those orderlies couldn't or those security guards... but I'm kinds curious to find out. You game? - Anya Harris
Man, Buffy. My whole life just flashed before my eyes. I need to get me a life. - Anika
Cordelia Chase
Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass. - Erin
Oh, eew! Oh, you should see this thing. The way it does its thing, I mean, eew! Why do I let you guys drag me into this stuff? - Sdglst22
It must just eat you up that I got there first. - Lisa
You think for one microsecond if I desired to walk into Buffy's room, you could stop me? - Anya Harris
Buffy Summers
That would be its neck. - Anya Harris
Joyce Summers
Oh how... nice. - Anya Harris
Willow Rosenberg
Oops. No more frogs. - Anya Harris