Willow, you are the best human ever! I adore you! Well, that's the cookies talking, but you ROCK! - Liz
How is Angel? Pretend I care. - Paris_Angel
What kind of monster is he? - Paris_Angel
Ah, the dreaded 5 par cuckoo clock - hah! So many have come. So few have conquered. - Janna
You're having parental issues, you're having parental issues! What? Freud would have said the exact same thing. He just might not have done that little dance. - ItainteasybeinganEnglishgirl
Cordelia Chase
Feels like home... - Janna
Daddy's home. - Anya Harris
Rupert Giles
Yes, I do like to bring that up as often as possible. - ItainteasybeinganEnglishgirl
Jenny Calendar
I get that reaction from men all the time. - Technopagan