The Wish |
BUFFY SUMMERS: I'm Support-o-Gal. - Sarafu Your logic does not resemble our Earth logic. - Sevena
XANDER HARRIS: Too hard? No such thing. Sorry, I got carried away. - JMS Tears of a clown, baby. Or maybe it's grins of a sad person. - Mel I left a few messages... 60... or 70. - Nicky Oh sorry. But why oops? We always touch digits. It's a friend thing. Comfort. Like chocolate. - Sarafu Mine is much more advanced. - GaBs_HoPe
CORDELIA CHASE: My auto. El convertablo. - Beverly No way! I wish us into Bizarro-world and you guys are still together! I cannot win! - Sarafu I wish Buffy Summers had never come to Sunnydale. - Technopagan
VAMPIRE WILLOW: That's right, puppy. Willow is gonna make you bark. - angelus good vampire Cooped up for hours. Can't hunt. But the Master said I could play. Isn't that fun, puppy? Awww... puppy's being all quiet. Don't be a spoil sport. It's not nice. - EvilWillow Can I play with the puppy? - Rebecca Buffy? Ooh, scary. - Sarafu Uh oh. Puppy got out. - DoubleStuf
VAMPIRE XANDER: Probably not, but I'll give you a head start. - EvilWillow Slap my hand, dead soul man. - Jill810 No thanks, baby. I just wanna watch you go. - Sarafu
the MASTER: I will see you two kissing daylight. - Angelle77
ANYANKA: You trusting fool! How do you know the other world is any better than this? - SealedNFate Don't you just wish? - Technopagan Done. - GaBs_HoPe
HARMONY: I'm pretty sure he won't cheat on you, at least not for a while. Plus, he's got a kill moped. - Drew
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