I Robot, You Jane |
BUFFY SUMMERS: Besides, I can just tell something's wrong. My spider-sense is tingling. - Johnny Linger Check out the jealous man! You're jealous. Willow's got a thang and Xander's left hanging. Yeah, but you got used to being the Belle of the Ball. - Sarafu
XANDER HARRIS: Okay, but I can also say that I'm an elderly Dutch woman. Get me? I mean, who's to say I'm not if I'm in the elderly Dutch chatroom? - Cordelia But you're going to miss out. I'm planning to be witty. I'm going to make fun of all the people who won't talk to me. - Laura Willow, I love you, but bye! - Sarafu Your best hair day ever, really. - Anya Harris
RUPERT GILES: Oh, yes. - Oz's Redhead
JENNY CALENDAR: Soon you'll join us in the 20th Century... with 3 whole years to spare! - Buffy2095 Wrong and wrong, snobby. You think the realm of the mystical is limited to ancient texts and relics? That bad old science made the magic go away? The divine exists in cyberspace same as out here. - Technopagan
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